Each foot has over 7,000 nerve endings,
26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles.
The foot is a sensory organ, not just something we shove into shoes and stand on.
It is constantly telling us about our world. Hot, cold ; sharp, soft, etc.
It is constantly telling us about our world. Hot, cold ; sharp, soft, etc.
Reflexology is based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet which correspond to all body parts. The physical act of applying specific pressures using thumb, finger and hand techniques, performed without oils, lotions or creams result in stress reduction causing a physiological change in the body.

You will never be asked to undress for reflexology. The only clothing to be removed is socks or tights and your shoes. It is best to wear lose comfortable clothing so that you feel relaxed.
The treatment will begin with your feet being wrapped in very warm towels to sooth and soften them as you recline for maximum relaxation, then some gentle relaxation techniques followed by applying pressure to each of the reflex points. You may wish to close your eyes and relax or you might prefer to chat during your session, this is entirely up to you.
Each reflex point on both feet are stimulated as the body is considered to be a whole unit, the pressure applied varies with each persons sensitivity and the considerations of the disorders.
After your treatment, you should drink plenty of fresh water (ideally at least 8 glasses in 24 hours), to help flush toxins from your body. It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol and eat only light meals.
A typical treatment will last 45-50 minutes and it is generally recommended that you have 4-6 weekly treatments initially, although reflexology is safe to have more frequently if needed.
You will never be asked to undress for reflexology. The only clothing to be removed is socks or tights and your shoes. It is best to wear lose comfortable clothing so that you feel relaxed.
The treatment will begin with your feet being wrapped in very warm towels to sooth and soften them as you recline for maximum relaxation, then some gentle relaxation techniques followed by applying pressure to each of the reflex points. You may wish to close your eyes and relax or you might prefer to chat during your session, this is entirely up to you.
Each reflex point on both feet are stimulated as the body is considered to be a whole unit, the pressure applied varies with each persons sensitivity and the considerations of the disorders.
After your treatment, you should drink plenty of fresh water (ideally at least 8 glasses in 24 hours), to help flush toxins from your body. It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol and eat only light meals.
A typical treatment will last 45-50 minutes and it is generally recommended that you have 4-6 weekly treatments initially, although reflexology is safe to have more frequently if needed.
No, it will not make any condition worse. Foot reflexology helps nature to normalize body functions. A Reflexology series relaxes the stress that can affect your health. It is a safe effective way to better health.
Stress cannot be avoided; we live with it every day. A day's work, playing sports or giving a dinner party can be stressful but also exhilarating and fun. Stress becomes a problem when we fail to manage it well, especially the stress that results from problems, frustrations, overwork and worry. When we don't handle stress well, the body's defenses breakdown and you become more susceptible to illness. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation.
We all know how important it is for blood to flow freely through the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body and removing waste products and toxins. Stress and tension tighten up the cardiovascular system and restrict blood flow. Circulation becomes sluggish. By reducing stress and tension, Reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.
No, it will not make any condition worse. Foot reflexology helps nature to normalize body functions. A Reflexology series relaxes the stress that can affect your health. It is a safe effective way to better health.
Stress cannot be avoided; we live with it every day. A day's work, playing sports or giving a dinner party can be stressful but also exhilarating and fun. Stress becomes a problem when we fail to manage it well, especially the stress that results from problems, frustrations, overwork and worry. When we don't handle stress well, the body's defenses breakdown and you become more susceptible to illness. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation.
We all know how important it is for blood to flow freely through the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body and removing waste products and toxins. Stress and tension tighten up the cardiovascular system and restrict blood flow. Circulation becomes sluggish. By reducing stress and tension, Reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.